Society Objectives

The objectives of the Society shall be to unite Scots domiciled in the area and persons who are admirers of Scotland and Scottish culture to foster a spirit of friendship and social and intellectual intercourse amongst the Members irrespective of politics or creed.


Membership is open to anyone who admires Scotland and Scottish culture. Currently the society has over one hundred members and approximately thirty junior members.

Membership Fees

Adult Subscription       £5.00 per annum

Students Subscription  £2.50 per annum

Junior Subscription      £1.00 per annum


The Society is a member of the Lancashire and Cheshire Federation of Scottish Societies. There are over 40 societies within the Federation. They have programmes of dances and other Scottish themed events throughout the year.

Charitable Gifts

The Society has given charitable donations to various organisations and good causes in and around the Clitheroe area.