During January 1963 a Mr B. Sharples began to approach people in the Clitheroe area regarding the possibility of forming a Scottish Society. The response seemed to be favourable and he raised it, informally, at the Annual Dinner of the Clitheroe Pipe Band in 1964.

The result was that he was asked to see what could be done, but it was not until the following year that Mr Sharples, enlisting the help of Clitheroe Town Mayor, John Hall, was able to take any action and a meeting was arranged. This was held in the Mayor’s Parlour on the 24th March, 1965, presided over by the Mayor.

A Miss M. Mclean of Bolton Caledonian Society attended to acquaint the meeting on the workings of a Scottish Society.  Miss Mclean also brought greetings from the Lancashire and Cheshire Federation of Scottish Societies.

It was unanimously agreed to form a Scottish Society and Dr T.C.Borthwick was elected as the first President. The Secretary was Mr Sharples and the Treasurer Mrs E. Telford.

A Committee was appointed and agreed to meet and prepare a draft Constitution for submission to a General Meeting, which was held on the 29th November, 1965.

The Society was formed and the first Burns Dinner was held on the 25th January, 1966. The Clitheroe Pipe Band transferred the funds of their defunct Highland and Scottish Country Dancing Section to the new Society. This amounted to £3 10s 0d.

The first Annual Subscription was set at 10/-  (50p).